Narrowcliff Business Heavy Metal removal from wastewater, effluent of mining dam, mining pit, TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITY

Heavy Metal removal from wastewater, effluent of mining dam, mining pit, TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITY

Techniques Used for Precious Metal Recovery, REMOVAL

Several techniques are used for precious metal recovery from effluent in mining and electroplating industries. These include:

Ion Exchange Process

The ion exchange process is a widely used method for the recovery of precious metals from effluent. In this process, an ion exchange resin is used to selectively adsorb precious metals from the effluent. The resin has functional groups that can bind to metal ions and exchange them for other ions in the effluent. The adsorbed metals can then be eluted from the resin using an appropriate eluent, and the resin can be regenerated for reuse.

The ion exchange process has several advantages over other techniques, such as its ability to selectively adsorb specific metals and its ease of operation. However, it also has some limitations, such as the need for a large amount of resin to achieve high recovery rates and the potential for fouling of the resin.

Solvent Extraction Process

The solvent extraction process is another method used for the recovery of precious metals from effluent. In this process, an organic solvent is used to selectively extract the precious metals from the effluent. The solvent is then separated from the aqueous phase, and the precious metals are recovered from the solvent using an appropriate stripping agent.

The solvent extraction process has several advantages, such as its ability to selectively extract specific metals and its high recovery rates. However, it also has some limitations, such as the potential for solvent losses and the need for a large amount of organic solvent.

Flotation Process

The flotation process is a technique used for the recovery of precious metals from effluent that contains sulfides. In this process TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITY the effluent is treated with a reagent that converts the metal sulfides into a froth, which can be collected and further processed to recover the precious metals.

The flotation process has several advantages, such as its ability to recover metals from low-grade ores and its relatively low operating costs. However, it also has some limitations.